The training is very much hands on and both our workshop manager and experienced volunteers will assist you to improve your mechanical skills.
One of the main aims of Back2Bikes is to increase the mechanical skills of volunteers and we do this by pairing beginners with experienced volunteers. We encourage you to ask questions of others to solve problems. Our volunteers enjoy sharing their knowledge as many can remember when they didn’t know a bottom bracket from a rear hub.
Even if you are thinking about or have participated in one of our courses, volunteering is the way to repeat a task enough times that you will be able to do this task with ease when working on your own bike
We have all the tools you will need, many specific to bikes and Back2Bikes is the place to learn how to use all these tools. You can even get advice on what tools to buy for home use.
Please wear clothing that you don’t mind getting dirty, and wear close toed footwear to protect your feet in the event of you dropping something, or accidentally stubbing your toes.
Long hair should be tied up for safety, and avoid wearing a tie or anything too loose. The workshop is a smoke free zone.
You’ll be encouraged to refer to internet resources such as www.sheldonbrown.com, Park Tool Videos and various other internet sites that have tips and suggestions.